Monday, October 11, 2010

Inspiration AND Awareness

I bought a Diptyque candle last week. I just love burning it because it really makes the entire apartment smell like, in this case, honeysuckle.

Anyway, I went on a walk with some friends yesterday in Ft. Greene, Brooklyn and stumbled across some treasures that made me think of years passed. We found this amazing old door, which could not be ignored. It was just so detailed and ornate. It made me wonder about all people that it’d met since it had been hanging there. 

Then, not to far passed the old door was this vintage bike and  my eyes obsessed on how the blue color just POPPED against the brown backdrop. I love unexpected pops of color. The weather was perfect and it ended up being a truly inspiring afternoon.

By the way, if you are wondering what that candle had to do with my walk today, well, when I got back to my apartment it was only then that I realized I had left the candle burning the entire 3 hours I was gone.

So the moral: Be responsible while you’re being inspired.

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